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Impact of your Lifestyle on your Health

January 23 2013 , Written by Jennifer

Impact of your Lifestyle on your Health

We all notice that life has become a race for all of us today. But, do we have time to stop and care how running in this race is affecting our health and fitness? The answer is no, when we fall sick, we give find time to really know that something is wrong with us!! The fast forward lifestyle is really affecting our lives.

Factors of Lifestyle affecting our health are:



3.Stress and Tension

4.Smoking, Alcohol Consumption


junk food

junk food

Junk food has become so popular among adults and kids that we hardly care about having a nutritious diet. Green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits are rarely seen in regular diets. This affects the health adversely. In this fast-paced life, people don't take out time for proper exercising. Gyms have achieved fame these days, but we can find people joining gym after advised by their doctor when they have already been attacked by a disease, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Work stress and tension is also a very big factor affecting fitness of all. We can find that not only the aged people but the young generation is conquered by emotional stress and tension. This affects the heart and leads to major heart diseases and heart attack, which is the major killer today.

smoking effects

smoking effects

Due to modernization, smoking and consuming alcohol has become a trend among youngsters. But this creates hindrance in proper functioning of their body. People have become social on networking sites, but social gatherings and meetings have become rare. They are turning into couch potatoes and are becoming aloof from the society. This brings in loneliness which is the cause of emotional disturbance.

We should remain alert about these factors and try to improvise our lifestyle so that we can live a happy and disease-free life.

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